Tesdahl, Erick

(Ship list spelled it Tusdell) 

Norwegian given Name: Erik Sjursson

B:1804 Saevareid, Norway

Came with 2nd immigration group to Palestine

Parents and Siblings

Ericks Father: Sjur Sakkariasen Tesdal

Ericks Mother: Valgjerd Johannesdotter Kvandal
Erick S. Married:Barbro Omundsdatter Ousvaag July 2, 1835

B:1811 Etne, Norway

D: 1855 Huxley, Iowa

Barbro’s parents: were Omund Tostensen Ousvaag and Anna Joensdatter

Sources include: http://genloc.com/NorStory/NorCIA/NorForm.mv 



B: 1888

D: 1929 She is buried at Palestine Cemetery

M: K. A. Bouge  B:1821 D: 1910


B: Nov 18, 1840 Etne, Norway

D: March 26, 1915 Kelly, Ia.

M: Knudt Mikkelsen (Michaelson)

B: Feb 5, 1830 Etne Norway 

D: Dec 4, 1902. Huxley Ia. He is buried at Palestine Cemetery

Knud’s parents were Mikkel Knudsen Toftekalven and Siri Orgesdatter.  In 1882 Knudt and Thor Oleson had the first business in Huxley, a mercantile store.

Seveart (Shur)

B: April 2 1842 Etne, Norway

D: 1920 Slater Ia.

Aamon (Omen)

B: 1844

Sarah (Siri)


Bertha (Betsey)

Sources Cited: 1856 Census Schedule of Union township Story Co.  1860 Census Madison Township Polk Co. Iowa. 1880 Census Lincoln Township Polk Co. Emigrants lists from Norway 1865-1873.
