Andrew Lars Dobbe

B: 1849 Kragero, Telemarken, Norway.  In 1870 Andrew went to USA to Nevada, Iowa with his 1/2 brother Haldor.  

D: Dec 17, 1929. 

In 1903 Andrew and Mary bought the Robbins Farm, 150 Acres, S.E. of Huxley.  This farm was 1/2 mile from Palestine Church and 1/2 mile from Fjeldburg County School which was on the corner of HWY 69 and 210 were the Fjeldburg Cemetery is currently.  Then in 1908 they bought a lot in Huxley NE of now 2nd Ave.  Mary’s brother Severt Tweedt lived directly across the street and Ness lived on the East of them.  After Andrew retired Martin and Lewis farmed with Minnie and Isabelle as housekeepers. 

Then Minnie and Ovid Loucks farmed there until the mid 1930′s when Ole and Bertha Hauge bought it.  Loucks moved to a farm near Slater. 

The Dobbe family genealogy is well documented and recorded in the Saga of The Dobbe Family 1849-1990.  There is a copy available to see at the Huxley Library.  So I will not endeavor more at this place.

Parents and Siblings

Father: Lar  
Mother: Anna
Andrews Siblings: Christian, Haldor, Bertha (Kittleson)Christain and Bertha lived together for a time in what became the Fjeldburg parsonage before the church was built on Hwy 210 and Hwy 69.  They later move S. of the Haugus Lutheran church in W. Huxley. 




Marriages & Children

Married: Mary Tweedt June 18,1884 B: 1859, Ente Fjord, Sanhordland, Norway. D: 1945. Buried at Palestine cemetery.

Mary’s Father: Knute Tvedt – The name was changed to Tweedt in U.S. D:1870 – BEFORE the rest of the family immigrated to the U.S.
Mary’s Mother: Martha Severtson – immigrated to U.S. 1877 with her brother John. John had immigrated some years earlier with Stole Larson (ancestors of Lewis Larson son of Lars O. Larson and Lewis wife Isabelle Larson Dobbe daughter of Andrew Dobbe ) John died in Hull, Engand before returning to U.S. with Martha and her children traveled who went on to New York City then to Sheldahl Iowa by rail and stayed with Osmond Sheldahl’s family. Mary’s sister Anna was Osmond’s 2nd wife.
Mary Tweedts’ Siblings: Taral, Severt, Bell-M: Osmond Westre, Anna-M: Osmond Sheldahl.

Andrew and Mary’s Children:

Lewis M: Althea Melinda Johnson Nov 1916. Her grandparents were Hans and Melinda Ersland (changed to Johnson).
Minnie M: Ovid Loucks They farmed the Robbins farm from 1908 to the mid 1930′s when they sold it to Ole and Bertha Hauge.
Isabelle M: Lewis Larson in 1893, They had six children: Inez, Robert, Dorothy, Kathryn, and Twins Edna Lucille and Edward LeRoy
Lillian B:1903